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FX Options Trading

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The first truly all-to-all marketplace connecting buy-side and sell-side participants on a single, anonymous trading venue


Trading FX options today means:

Limited Access to Diverse Liquidity Sources

Complex credit relationship management

Time-consuming manual processes

Fragmented market visibility

Risk of information leakage

Image by Dylan Calluy
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A Revolutionary Trading Experience

SpectrAxe offers a new alternative to traditional trading venues - eliminating the complexity of multiple relationships while maximizing your trading opportunities.

Show specific interests to the entire market

Access natural liquidity from all participants

Access all market participants through a single credit counterparty

Automate your entire trading workflow

Gain real market insights

Office Hall

Why Now?

The FX Options market is reaching the same transformative moment that revolutionized FX spot trading two decades ago.

Just as early adopters of electronic spot trading built lasting competitive advantages, today's FX Options market presents a similar watershed opportunity.

The time to capture the benefits of this market evolution is now.

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The SPECTRAXE Advantage

Setting a new standard with a single, complete solution.

Single Dealer
Multi Dealer
Broker Market
True All-to-All
CLOB System
Automated Expiries
Full Anonymity
Single Onboarding

What We Are

An all-to-all FX options trading venue

A central limit order book platform

A registered Swap Execution Facility

A technology solution for modern markets

What We Are Not

A traditional interdealer broker or agency broker

An RFQ aggregator

A single/multi-dealer platform

A pricing provider

Stock Exchange

Buy-Side Solutions

Transform your FX Options Trading Experience

               ✓  Direct market access to diverse liquidity sources

                    including buy-side, non bank market makers and banks

               ✓  Complete trading anonymity

               ✓  Simplified credit management through single PFI

               ✓  Automated expiry handling

               ✓  Real-time market visibility


Ready to transform your FX Options trading

Email Us

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